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AWS DynamoDB Watermark Backend Configuration

Signatory supports using AWS DynamoDB for watermark tracking. This allows for reliable and scalable management of watermarks in distributed environments.

AWS DynamoDB Watermark Backend

Below is the minimum configuration required:

driver: aws
access_key_id: <aws_access_key_id>
secret_access_key: <aws_secret_access_key>
region: <aws_region>

When the backend is initialized, it will create a table named watermark if it doesn't exist.

Configuration Parameters

access_key_idstringOPTIONALIAM user detail for accessing DynamoDB
secret_access_keystringOPTIONALIAM user detail for accessing DynamoDB
regionstringAWS region where the DynamoDB table is located
tablestringOPTIONALName of the DynamoDB table to use for watermark tracking (default: watermark)

Environment Variables Support

The access_key_id, secret_access_key, and region fields can also be set using the following environment variables:


The table parameter defaults to watermark but can be overridden in the configuration file.